Saturday, December 3, 2011

Cold + Surgery = a new date.

I'm only a few days away from my surgery - the second one to remove the rest of the tumor and clear the margins - and I got a cold! I can not be sick on Tuesday or else the procedure will have to be postponed... I'm trying everything possible to get well by then. The cold is running its course and the only thing still bothering me is a weird hoarseness and mild cough. For the coughing I'm taking honey with pineapple and hope that will clear by Monday.


snowalter said...

Meu irmão...Fiquei sabendo só agora deste seu desafio maninho...!
Estamos aqui em família firmes em oração em teu favor!
Conte conosco meu amigo!

Gisele said...

Thank you for sharing this blog with us so that we can be specific in our prayers. We will be praying for you everyday. You have quite a journey and I just wanted to remind you that you are not alone...Jesus is surrounding you with strength that you don't even know you have, hope that is real, and a peace that surpasses understanding. God made many miracles happen for Gielle and He will do the same for you. Our journey has enabled us to appreciate life in such a different perspective and we have learned to be content in every and each situation, taking one second of the day at a time. Somehow God will make this experience be a blessing to you and others someday and God's name will be praised! When Gielle was sick I had a map with colored pins to show where people were praying for her. It may be a good encouragement for you. I wish we lived closer to help you but since we are so far away I will just write on this blog to cheer you up and cry with you on bad days and rejoice and laugh with you on good days. We love you, Delma, and the boys, and I know that God loves you even more. You are so special, and that is why God allowed this to happen so that you can be a blessing to others in this journey of yours. Only special people get to have this amazing experience of feeling Jesus' presence so close, to feel His arms of love, to see His miracles every minute of the day, and to be so certain of His amazing love. This is your mission now. I can tell you from my heart that the cancer experience has become my mission and I pray for mothers and kids with cancer every day, I appreciate life in a special way, and I thank God so much for life and for the simple things in life that most people take for granted. May God be close to you and give you the strength that you need. We love you.

Lizzie - said...

Hi Kleyton,

I had no idea you were going through this problem, but I am glad to get the news when you already know the tumor is treatable. Maybe you'll remember my family went through something similar with my mother years ago, when you were still serving as a pastor in Curitiba, and it was a time of learning to trust God and laying the problems in His hands when nothing else is possible.

So we will be praying for you everyday, that God may give you strength, patience and the reassurance of His love, and for Delma and the boys as well as they go with you through this journey.

You have been a blessing for so many people in so may ways, and I am sure that God still has great plans for your life. Please keep us updated on the developments!
God bless you all.

André Reis said...

Load up on vitamin C I would take 3000 mg a day, a lot of water and rest. I'll call you this week...

Telma Witzig said...

Atraves da dor Deus fala + alto. Tenho certeza q ha 1 porposito especifico para cada coisa q nos acontece. Deus esta com vcs. Sare logo dessa gripe! bj

dilsonmbezerra said...

Kleyton tome Nightkyl (não sei se é assim que se escreve)... Em dois dias vc estará bom...

Orando por ti.... abraço!

Tio Dil

Paloma Scrapbook said...

Kleyton..estamos orando por vc..que Deus te de paz para passar por estes momentos e te dê a cura se for a vontade dEle.
Paloma e andre

Gabriel Henríquez said...

Kleitão... você está em nossas orações. Fica firme que Deus não nos desampara nunca. Um beijão pra Delma, pros garotos, e um forte abraço pra ti, meu irmão!
Gabriel, Deise, Felipe e Pamela.

jfkern72 said...

Amigão, espero que este desafio seja temporário e contado logo como vitória. Deus está no comando. Oramos hoje no escritório por você e sua família. Deus o abençoe e guarde. Abraço, Jeff Kern.