Monday, April 23, 2018

A Major Detour

It is time to blog again. Yes, I am facing another detour. Since my first diagnosis in 2011 the roads of life have not been straight any more. Many curves, several detours and one more, a MAJOR one, is just around the corner.

Unfortunately I'm out of remission; my sarcoma is growing, multiplying fast and the only feasible treatment this time around is a drastic one. Therefore, it is with sadness that I share with you that I am going into surgery on Friday, April 27, to have my left leg amputated (above the knee).

I knew this day could come. I am thankful for skilled surgeons who performed several limb-sparing surgeries for these past seven years. I am grateful to God for having allowed me to have my leg and live a normal life in spite of the cancer being persistent and destructive, and, most importantly, for not allowing the cancer to spread.

It is a life changing surgery and I can only imagine what life is going to be like in a few days. Yet I am confident in the strength and determination that comes from God to be able to conquer another mountain and go through yet another detour.

Doctors are planning for two surgeries, the first to get rid of the cancer and a second one, in the summer, to set me up for a prosthetic leg.

I debated a lot whether I should be blogging again about my detour. It won’t be easy this time. But God helped me to realize that I should not keep this journey to myself. Maybe there is someone reading this and going through a detour in their life as well and they can be a blessing to me. Or, maybe, I could encourage someone. I don't know. But I am looking forward to what God will accomplish in my life and in the life of many others as I share my personal experience with sorrow, pain, faith and hope.

Thank you for keeping me in your prayers.

“Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!” Psalm 27

**Each post will have a bible verse that has encouraged me.


G. R. D. said...


Our most heartfelt prayers and best wishes are with you and your family. We are with an Institute in Athens, Greece and on April 27 we will lift you up in special group prayer.

"Surely he took up our pain and bore our suffering, yet we considered him punished by God, stricken by him, and afflicted. But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed" Isa 53.

With warm regards.

Gisele said...

I will keep praying for you. The same God who has performed so many miracles in my life and yours will continue to use His power and grace on your health and healing, according to His will and love.������

HT said...

We have been praying for you every day and will continue to do that. Thank you for the encouragement you have been to us in so many ways.

Unknown said...

Hi Kleyton. It’s not a good thing for us to read. But for sure you’ll read a lot of words of encouragement. You’re surrounded by God’s kindness and by so many people who love you and are praying for you to go over the challenge. I’m one of them. May God continue to hold you stand.

Unknown said...

Meu amigo, que tristeza saber essa notícia... mas Deus sabe todas as coisas, no mundo tereis aflições, nossa caminhada aqui será curtíssima comparada à eternidade. O mais importante é manter o foco na vida eterna e suportar esse mundo com coragem e alegria. Imagino que seja muito difícil pra vc nesse momento se alegrar, mas lembre de Jó, e bendiga o nome do Senhor em tudo e Ele te glorificará. Vou orar por vc e por sua família. Abraços amigo

rrrpacifico said...

Ola Pastor. Estou com o coracao partido ao ler esse prognostico. No entanto sua determinacao e coragem me confortam bastante. O namorado de minha filha mais nova e um amputee. Consigo ver nele a coragem e determinacao que so os gigantes tem. Sei que as minhas palavras ou de qualquer outro pode fazer pouco para aliviar seu sofrimento. Mas me conforta tambem saber que voce e um servo de Deus que busca suporte na palavra de Deus. Saiba que estaremos orando aqui em casa pela sua saude. Estou indo para o Japao na proxima semana para evangelismo da familia la. Com sua licensa pedirei aos irmaos que orem por voce. Um grande abraco pacifico.

the wall said...

Kleyton...I dont know if you remember me from Westminster Church as pastor there but now retired and living in Idaho? Steve Wall..Carol Crosby a dear friend posted your blog and was so sorry to hear of your condition! You have a courageous attitude in the Lord! You are certainly in our thoughts and prayers during this challenging time!

Cris Schultz said...

Kleyton, vc está em nossas orações. A família Feitosa é muito querida por nossa família. Acompanho a sua história através da Marcia e do Klenisson. Estou passando apenas para te dizer que vc e sua família estão em nossas orações.
Amo a passagem Filipenses 4, 4 a 7, ela é um bálsamo para nossos corações.
Sinta-se abraçado por nós.
Que Deus te abençoe ainda mais.

Moniquinha said...

Keeping you in my prayers. My husband went though cancer 2 years ago and he is doing well now. Praying that God heal your body completely . Peace to you and your wife. I know she needs prayers too