Tuesday, I woke up feeling well. I was scheduled to be at Sinai hospital at noon - two hours before the procedure. Monday when I called to possibly cancel the procedure due to a cold, they told me to keep the plan and let the anesthesiologist evaluate me on the day of the surgery... So, my wife and I drove to Sinai not knowing what would happen. Around 2pm they called me in and I had a chance to see a doctor. After a few questions he, without hesitation, gave the green light for surgery. I got soooo happy. It would have been a disaster to reschedule it and a number of other things around a new date. God is good -
the first miracle had just happened!
I was the last patient to be operated by Dr. Aboulafia. He said it was planned in such a way to allow him extra time to spend with me given the nature of the procedure. He drew marks on my thigh and went over the whole plan with me one more time. The most difficult part of the procedure is that the tumor grew right next to a nerve and he wanted to save it... Before he left the room, I said: "I want you to know there are a lot of people praying for you today." He thanked me for that - The second miracle was happening - the miracle of prayer.
I kissed my wife goodbye and fell asleep (general anesthesia) shortly after. When I woke up around 6pm I touched my leg and the first thought that came to mind was cancer is gone - the third miracle had just happened!
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