On Thursday I met with Dr. M to discuss my case and treatment options. She will perform surgery on Wednesday morning at 7:30 a.m. (EST). She will take more margins this time and is concerned about wound related issues. Because I received a high dose of radiation on my leg during my first cancer treatment, and the margins will be bigger, there is a high risk of wound problem(s). This is the focus of my prayers at moment. My recovery will take longer compared with four years ago. However, no radiation or chemo has been recommended this time, Al-hamdulillah! ('praise the Lord' in Arabic :)
One of my favorite Bible passages is found in Matthew 6:25-34. If you are facing any problems today, going through a detour in your life, I invite you to read this passage of scripture today. There, you learn to take one day at a time, seek God first, rest your cares upon Him, and trust that He will take care of you - what a beautiful and complete picture of God. Is there any better promise for me and for you today? I'm going through my detour with Him. How about you?